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Embracing the Paradoxes of Life

Embracing the paradoxes of life reveals how it isn’t linear, nor does it have a single right answer. Life can be better understood through seemingly contradicting truths that challenge our conventional thinking. Each paradox opens us up to a deeper understanding about the inner workings of life, helping us grasp what we otherwise couldn’t.

I hesitated whether I should explain my reasoning behind some of these, but I preferred to leave them open to interpretation, allowing you the freedom to imagine, learn, and find your own insights within these paradoxes.

The Hero’s Journey

  • Knowing is in the not knowing
  • We find comfort in the knowing, but more important is comfort with not knowing
  • Education is in how to handle what is not known
  • Learning is in not needing to be right
  • Wisdom is not the absence of foolishness

The Nature of Inner Strength

  • Courage is not the absence of discomfort
  • Strength is in vulnerability
  • Confidence is in not needing to know
  • Patience is in not needing it
  • Peace is in acceptance
  • Control is in letting go
  • Being present is in not trying to

The Victory Paradox

  • Success is in handling of failure
  • Success is not needing to act successful
  • Winning is not in achievement
  • Focus is in not being distracted
  • Risk is in what is not known, not in what you think is not known
  • Winning is in the not losing

The Heart’s Journey

  • Real love surfaces in difficult times
  • Friendship is not in compatibility
  • Lasting relationships don’t depend on need
  • Happiness is in allowing sadness
  • Power is in humility

Life’s Hidden Gems

  • Wealth is in what cannot be bought
  • Energy is in the quality of rest
  • Health is in the removing of harm
  • Work is not in what you get paid for
  • Progress is in getting lost

The Unconventional Truth

  • Truth is in what is not said
  • Information is in what is not shown
  • Leadership is not about the leader
  • Freedom is not in the free time
  • Deserving is in acceptance of what is
  • Dependability is not in the choosing 

As you can appreciate, many of these paradoxes invite us to embrace what we try to avoid. It’s paradoxical that in evading many of our negative emotions, we keep ourselves from tapping into the desirable ones. In our attempts to control or avoid these, we often prevent ourselves from getting to where we want. Perhaps more interestingly, paradoxes reveal how life is not a problem to be solvedit exists dynamically between these states. With wisdom they become a guiding force that helps unlock some of life’s hidden potential.

I’ll add and or modify more to Embracing the Paradoxes of Life over time. I like to think about what something is and what it’s not, and then I reflect about how it even makes more sense to me personally by what it’s not. Try it out. Can you think of other life paradoxes that makes sense to you?


Juan F. Diaz

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